Hi there! We are sorry you are here but happy to help. When your pup starts panting and won’t stop it can raise a lot of questions. Is he painful? Is he hot? Is he really going to do this all night? Here’s how to know if it needs to be addressed today.
What’s going on with your pet?
Is it really panting?
Panting alone does not require an urgent care appointment but it can progress to actual breathing difficulty. Here are some signs that the panting is really difficulty breathing:
- Purple or blueish color to the tongue/gums
- A loud noise associated with the panting
- A wheezing noise
- A whistling noise
Are there any other problems?
If they are also exhibiting other behaviors that are abnormal, this could indicate a bigger issue.
Can you stop them from panting if you distract them or soothe them?
If so, it’s not likely to be something that needs immediate care.
Here’s what you can do at home...
Change environment. Sometimes panting is due to anxiety. Try taking your pet into a different room, on a walk, or see if you can distract them for a bit.
Do you feel hot? They might be too. You can offer some water and move them to a cooler place. You can also dip their feet in cool water.
Does your pet need Urgent Care?
Probably not. However, if there is concern about pain or breathing difficulty, definitely come on in. Always remember that you know your pet best. If you are concerned it is never wrong to have an evaluation.
What can you expect from your visit?
Your Scout veterinarian may recommend:
Triage: Your Scout care team will want to make sure it’s just panting by doing quick vitals assessment.
Examination: Your Scout veterinarian will conduct a thorough physical examination looking for signs of pain or discomfort.
Treatment: Panting can be one of the hardest things to work up as a veterinarian. There can be so many reasons for it and many of them may not have one simple treatment. If physical exam does not identify an underlying cause, diagnostics such as x-rays or blood work may be recommended.
Follow up appointments: Your Scout veterinarian may recommend follow up appointments depending on the underlying cause identified or if the panting persists.You can see Scout for these appointments or follow-up with your pet’s primary care veterinarian.
Remember that you are the best advocate for your pet. If you think it’s a problem, it probably is! We are here for you in your time of need.
Next available appointment in Chicago:
Lincoln Park
2369 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL 60614
West Loop
112 N. May St. Chicago, IL 60607
See Scout today.
Book an appointment online up to 36 hours in advance.